companioning the many languages of soul
What is Spiritual Companioning?
Spiritual companioning is an invitation into deep listening...
to be more fully awake to the movement of the sacred, to live more curiously with mystery and nurture encounter with the divine, in whatever name, form or meaning it has for you.
Spiritual companioning is not therapy, but it can be deeply therapeutic. Accompanying you, I facilitate quiet, contemplative personal space that invites you to more clearly hear and articulate the questions of the spirit that are waiting to be asked or the stories wanting or needing to be given voice.
Depending on the preference of each person, creative expression, through art making or writing, are often meaningful companions in our work together, even if you are not at all "artsy" or "creative." Creative expresson can often be an unexpected, and often transformative way, of encountering the Spirit and opening doors of insight into your inner life that illuminate and heal.
How Does It Work?
We have an initial conversation (in person, via ZOOM or over the phone) in which we learn more about one another to determine if we would like to work together. Meeting once a month is usual practice, unless there is a particular need or desire to meet more often. Sessions usually range from an hour to two hours and can include silence, prayer, reflective questions or other contemplative spiritual practices, including art making or writing, if you wish to do so. I work on a sliding fee scale of $50 to $125 per session, but if this is prohibitive for you, I am glad to work with you to find an arrangement that works for you and for me.
To make an appointment or to find out more, contact me at [email protected].
I am a member of Spiritual Directors International, and abide by their Code of Ethics. For more information about spiritual direction or companioning, click here.
All images are contemporary icons and patron saints created by Susannah